Flagging & reporting someone

We're deeply committed to fostering safe and vibrant groups. The Rules of Pace and our Community Guidelines are the cornerstone of our community. These principles foster an environment where emotional connection and a deep sense of togetherness flourish.

Our community thrives when every member takes an active part in upholding good conduct. We encourage everyone to watch over, guide, and, if needed, report instances where community policies are not being followed. To enable this, we've provided a helpful feature that allows anyone to flag another member at the end of the session. You can also email care@pace.group to report behavior.

Violations of our Community Guidelines can result in immediate removal from Pace.

Violations of the three Rules of Pace are handled differently (see below for more info). Any member reported 3 times for not abiding by the Rules of Pace within a 6-month period will be regrettably removed from the Pace community.

Before flagging or reporting a violation, if you're comfortable with it, we kindly request that you first address someone gently regarding the Rules of Pace and our shared commitment to conduct in this community. For instance, in cases where someone appears distracted during a session, and it's causing disruption to the group, you can say, “We’ve got a great session/conversation going here! Before we go any further, let’s all check back in and make sure we’re decreasing any distraction that might have popped up since we started” OR “[Name] just want to check in - everything good? I just wanna make sure you’re getting the most out of this discussion and we can hear what you have to say”.

How to flag or report someone:

  1. Members and hosts report a rule violation using the flag button visible at the end of each session. Or, you can email care@pace.group directly instead of using that flag.

  1. If this is a Rules of Pace violation, here’s what we do:

    1. The report is sent to the host for review. They have 24 hours to endorse, dismiss or escalate the report, otherwise it’s sent to the violating member and a flag is recorded.

      1. Endorse: The host agrees that a Rule of Pace was not followed. We give the host the option to offer guidance to the member via chat to help improve their behavior prior to the next session. In all cases, we'll inform the flagged member of the reason for the flag (reports are anonymous) and record a flag.

      2. Dismiss: If this is NOT a valid report of a violation, the host replies “Dismiss” to us and no further action will be taken. Pace will inform the reporting member that this case did not constitute a violation.

      3. Escalate: If this violation deserves more immediate action and/or potential member removal (for example: if a Community Guidelines is violated), the host replies “Escalate” and provides relevant details to Pace.

Related: how to block a member from attending your group

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