Group titles & descriptions

📌 Creating Your Group

Groups are a dynamic space for connection, togetherness, and emotional well-being. Here's everything you need to know when crafting your own group to host:

⏰ Group Basics

  • Groups are 55 minutes long, with a max of 8 attendees (not including the host).

  • They occur at the same day and time each week.

  • All groups follow the Pace Method, which consists of Check In, Hot Seat and Discuss.

  • You can either choose to create your own group, or host a session of an already existing group you're a member of.

👥 Best Practices for Group Titles / Topics

Remember, creating a Pace group is about fostering a sense of community and emotional well-being. Craft your group with care, and watch it become a badge of honor for members who say, "Hell yes, I'm proud to be a part of this group with people who get me." 🌟

  • Titles should be concise, with a 30-character limit.

  • Groups are not intended for teaching skills, psychoeducation, or accountability.

  • When naming your group, ensure it doesn't suggest that members will come to learn about or help manage a particular issue or concern.

  • Instead, aim to create a space where people with shared identities or lived experiences can come together to do Pace together with those who can relate to them.

    • Shared Identity: For those who strongly identify with a particular group.

      • Example: "The Creative Life" for artists, authors, or makers.

    • Shared Lived Experiences: For individuals who have experienced or are currently navigating emotions related to a specific topic.

      • Example: "Being childfree" for women at various stages of living a childfree life.

📢 Best Practices for Group Descriptions

  • Descriptions should provide essential information within a 300-character limit.

  • Avoid bad grammar/punctuation

See here for instructions on how to start your own group. If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to reach out to our team!

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